Business & Life Reimagined




The A,B,C’s of Conscious Choice

The A,B,C’s of Conscious Choice

When we were born we didn’t know how to use a spoon, read, say thank you, add numbers, drive a car. We were taught these - and many other things. We practiced and practiced, were told over and over,...

The Lure of Labels – Do Yours Support or Sabotage You?

The Lure of Labels – Do Yours Support or Sabotage You?

The best way for you to begin making sure labels you’re using are supporting you is to raise them to your level of awareness. While there are lots of labels you can focus on, begin with one and, every time you use it, ask yourself if it serves you, the person you’re engaging with, and the experience.

Interview with Lori LaBey

Interview with Lori LaBey

I recently spoke with Lori La Bey on her talk radio show, Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio. Lori is the Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks and a passionate Alzheimer’s advocate who continuously...

Your Perspective on Sales Reimagined

Your Perspective on Sales Reimagined

Selling vs. Allowing to Invest – A Difference in Perspective Have you ever had an experience in your life that was transformational and ultimately changed your trajectory? I have. Sometimes...

4 Tips For Navigating The Elephants ebook

Let’s Navigate Our Positive Caregiving Journey Together!


I’ll Send you 4 Tips to Help You Positively Navigate the Elephants in the Caregiving Room.


Enter your name and email below to get started with positive caregiving tips and strategies.

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As your positive caregiving mentor, I’m passionate and committed to your positive caregiving journey. Please register below and I’ll send you details of the course experience.

Congratulations! You're on your way to feeling positive and balanced in your caregiving journey.

10 Questions to Eliminate What's Missing in Your Life
Begin Living Your Best Life

10 Questions to Eliminate What's Missing in Your Life

Begin Living Your Best Life


Enter your name and email to discover how to begin moving in the right direction – not just any direction – to live your best life feeling great about yourself, satisfied with your success, and fulfilled by your positive impact.

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