Reimagine Promises
Reimagined Promises-keeping promises we’re not meant to keep.
The A,B,C’s of Conscious Choice
When we were born we didn’t know how to use a spoon, read, say thank you, add numbers, drive a...
Caregiver? Set Goals to Clarify and Reduce Overwhelm in Your Caregiver Support Journey
If you, like me, are one of the more than 53M non-professional (unpaid) caregivers in the United...
The Lure of Labels – Do Yours Support or Sabotage You?
The best way for you to begin making sure labels you’re using are supporting you is to raise them to your level of awareness. While there are lots of labels you can focus on, begin with one and, every time you use it, ask yourself if it serves you, the person you’re engaging with, and the experience.
5 Steps to ‘Pass the Baton’ Successfully in Business and Life
If you ask the 2008 United States Olympic Men’s 400-meter relay team why it’s important to...
How Keeping a Journal Can Boost Your Leadership Skills
If you don’t want to face a blank journal page, have a list of questions on hand to prompt...