Business & Life Reimagined




The Lesson From Lessons

The Lesson From Lessons

PechaKucha is a simple presentation format created by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham in Tokyo, Japan in 2003, because they said: “Architects talk too much!” Klein and Dytham wanted to convert drab speeches and ‘death-by-powerpoint’ presentations from speaking ‘at’ people to speak ‘to’ people.

The Power of the PechaKucha Communication Style

The Power of the PechaKucha Communication Style

PechaKucha is a simple presentation format created by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham in Tokyo, Japan in 2003, because they said: “Architects talk too much!” Klein and Dytham wanted to convert drab speeches and ‘death-by-powerpoint’ presentations from speaking ‘at’ people to speak ‘to’ people.

The Truth is in the Middle

The Truth is in the Middle

#1 Reason Whose Truth is in the Middle Matters The phrase ‘the truth is in the middle’ My first introduction to ‘the truth is in the middle’  was when I was very young. My brother and I would be...

Processing Emotions After a Loss

Processing Emotions After a Loss

Processing emotions after a loss is difficult.  I have a friend whose 16 year-old daughter just experienced a tragic loss. A friend of hers committed suicide. This is tough at any age - especially...



Are You A Self-Identified Caregiver? In the past month, the issue of people who don’t self-identify as a caregiver has come up multiple times. Yesterday’s experience was really powerful and, as I...

4 Tips For Navigating The Elephants ebook

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10 Questions to Eliminate What's Missing in Your Life
Begin Living Your Best Life

10 Questions to Eliminate What's Missing in Your Life

Begin Living Your Best Life


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