Sue Ryan Launches her TEDx Talk
Dreams Do Come True
For many years I’ve had the dream of speaking on the TED global stage, the stage where we – as the TED principles state – “communicate our passion”. The TED tagline is “Ideas worth spreading”. I haven’t realized my dream before now because my idea worth spreading hadn’t revealed itself to me. I didn’t want to try to put something together just so I could give a TED talk, I wanted my message to be something I’m so passionate about I cannot not spread it.
This past year, I realized I my idea worth spreading had finally revealed itself to me. It wasn’t an original idea. It wasn’t even when it first came to me. It was how my unique life experiences, lessons, perspective, and relationships, applied to what already existed, created something new – something so impactful for me in my life and the lives of others – that I couldn’t not spread it.
Thank you for being part of my life. Without you, there would have been no TED talk. My first talk was on the local stage – called a TEDx talk. I’m excited about the message that will reveal itself to me to share on the global TED stage!